Data is only ever collected from active user input, never passively or in the background. No pictures are saved from the camera. The camera is only used to detect barcodes and is only active when the camera preview is displayed on-screen within the app. The barcodes or user text input will be sent to a secure AMIV server where they are used for tracking event attendance of persons registered at ETH and/or the AMIV member directory only.If the sent data does not correspond to any person registered at the ETH then the data is discarded. No data is collected which is unrelated to the functionality of the app. The data is not shared with any third parties. The data is purely used by entitled members of the AMIV. If you would prefer not to have this data shared with the AMIV servers, please uninstall the app or do not open/use the app. There is no way to prevent the data being sent to AMIV servers as this is the core functionality of the app. Whereby AMIV represents the 'Akademischer Maschinen- und Elektroingenieur Verein' at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.